This blanket is pretty sturdy, which is nice. It does a decent job keeping me warm during those colder evenings. I appreciate that it feels durable enough for everyday use. The design is simple but nice enough to fit into my living room. Overall, it’s a good choice if you're looking for something reliable.
Item bought:
Löv Harmoni
Verified buyer
This blanket is a sturdy boy.
Item bought:
Löv Harmoni
Verified buyer
Item bought:
Löv Harmoni
Jakub C.
Verified buyer
Moja dziewczyna jest z tego bardzo zadowolona ;)
Item bought:
Löv Harmoni
Verified buyer
Finally a blanket that isnt grey and depressing - salute
Item bought:
Löv Harmoni
Verified buyer
The design is simply elegant.
Item bought:
Löv Harmoni
Verified buyer
Great! Some of the colours appear a bit on the darker side, but I like it